My Bubba is thirteen so not only has it been a long time since I had a two year old , but he also has autism and developmental delays, so he was still very baby like at two. I love this age so far, Tink (aka. Isaiah) is learning so much new stuff all the time. He is also learning to talk so there is way less crying and whining because he can communicate better. I also like that he is really forming his own little character and personality, which is amazing to watch. He is also done with almost everything baby, he slept in his "big boy bed" for the first time last night , and is sitting on his potty on the regular (right now he is just sitting not actually going). Though it is kinda sad not having a baby any more especially knowing he is my last, it is also so exciting getting to watch the transformation from baby to little man ! So maybe seven will be horrible , I don't know but I'm not going to decide that ahead of time.
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