So I don't know if you guys have discovered Pinterest yet, but I did.....and well I'm pretty sure crack couldn't even be this addictive. I went on a 3 day pinning binge, this weekend and when I say binge, I mean there is a good chance that Childrens Services might car pool with the divorce lawyer kinda neglect around here. Luckily my husband was here to diaper and feed the children while I frantically pinned everything I could click my mouse on. I've never been one to do a whole lot in moderation (except maybe my dishes). But some good came out of my binge , I got some awesome ideas for stuff to do with the boys, some learning activities, some play, some learn play combo's, and some good Mommy crafts (very simple do to my uncraftiness ) and some pretty nifty organization tips. Now since I almost lost my husband and my Mother of the year award over, finding these idea's , I figure the only way to rectify myself is to actually use some of them. This may be a big struggle in self discipline for me cause I am way more of a idea woman, than an actual try new things woman, so you guys are going to help hold me accountable. I'm going to give you an update on my "Pinterest inspired projects" each Monday. I also need to post more often so it's kinda like a two bird one stone, success breeding succsess thing. So off I go to clean my house,or maybe spend time with my hubby while the kids are in bed...........ok ok to pin some more stuff.
PS. if you wanna see the results of my binge pinning, you can press the button right on the side of this page, don't forget to follow my boards when you get there, so we can
steal share idea's. Also don't forget to stop and shower at least once a day (common Pin newbie mistake).
This is sooooo true! I am on Pinterest way too much, it is an awesome website. By the way I am a new follower via Linky. Happy Blogging!!
Glad I found you on the Linky hop...I'm following with LF. I would love if you stopped by and followed back, so we can stay connected. Lori