I know today is going to be a good day and here is why......
1st my husband made me these for breakfast this morning ........
Cake batter pancakes, oh yeah, like I said don't be jealous (ok you can be a little jealous). This picture is from Betty Crocker's website where we got the recipe. |
2nd my kids are going to go spend the night at their Nanna and Pepaw's . Don't get me wrong I love my kids and really do enjoy spending time with them. But spending a little time without them definitely can't hurt. So once nap time is over we're packing them up and sending them off . My husband and I are going to have alone time which usually goes something like this......
1st 1/2 hour kids are gone- dancing and singing with joy
Next 2 hours-"what do you wanna do" ? "I don't know what do you wanna do" ? "You wanna get something to eat" ? "yeah we should go out since we don't have the kids" "Where do you wanna go" ? "I don't know where do you wanna go" etc........
Next hour-"you go ahead and get in the shower first" "No really you go ahead"
3 hours later- "You wanna just get carry out "? "Yeah but what" ?
2 hours later- We finally actually order the carry out, sit on the couch and eat, and discuss how much we miss the kids .
Next morning- "Man I hope they keep the kids till at least evening". "Yeah me to, what do you wanna do"?
And last but not least thing I don't want you to be jealous of.........
My sink is broke so
I don't have to can't do the dishes .